Initialization File Support



Глава 59. Initialization File Support

- PHP4 features a redesigned initialization file support. It's now possible to specify default initialization entries directly in your code, read and change these values at runtime, and create message handlers for change notifications.

- To create an .ini section in your own module, use the macros PHP_INI_BEGIN() to mark the beginning of such a section and PHP_INI_END() to mark its end. In between you can use PHP_INI_ENTRY() to create entries.

PHP_INI_ENTRY("first_ini_entry", "has_string_value", PHP_INI_ALL, NULL)

PHP_INI_ENTRY("second_ini_entry", "2", PHP_INI_SYSTEM, OnChangeSecond)

PHP_INI_ENTRY("third_ini_entry", "xyz", PHP_INI_USER, NULL)


The PHP_INI_ENTRY() macro accepts four parameters: the entry name, the entry value, its change permissions, and a pointer to a change-notification handler. Both entry name and value must be specified as strings, regardless of whether they really are strings or integers.

- The permissions are grouped into three sections:PHP_INI_SYSTEM allows a change only directly in the php.ini file; PHP_INI_USER allows a change to be overridden by a user at runtime using additional configuration files, such as .htaccess; and PHP_INI_ALL allows changes to be made without restrictions. There's also a fourth level, PHP_INI_PERDIR, for which we couldn't verify its behavior yet.

- The fourth parameter consists of a pointer to a change-notification handler. Whenever one of these initialization entries is changed, this handler is called. Such a handler can be declared using the PHP_INI_MH macro:
PHP_INI_MH(OnChangeSecond); //handler for ini-entry "second_ini_entry"

//specify ini-entries here



zend_printf("Message caught, our ini entry has been changed to %s<br>", new_value);



The new value is given to the change handler as string in the variable new_value. When looking at the definition of PHP_INI_MH, you actually have a few parameters to use:
#define PHP_INI_MH(name) int name(php_ini_entry *entry, char *new_value, uint new_value_length, void *mh_arg1, void *mh_arg2, void *mh_arg3)

All these definitions can be found in php_ini.h. Your message handler will have access to a structure that contains the full entry, the new value, its length, and three optional arguments. These optional arguments can be specified with the additional macros PHP_INI_ENTRY1 (allowing one additional argument), PHP_INI_ENTRY2 (allowing two additional arguments), and PHP_INI_ENTRY3 (allowing three additional arguments).

- The change-notification handlers should be used to cache initialization entries locally for faster access or to perform certain tasks that are required if a value changes. For example, if a constant connection to a certain host is required by a module and someone changes the hostname, automatically terminate the old connection and attempt a new one.

- Access to initialization entries can also be handled with the macros shown in Табл. 59-1.

Таблица 59-1. Macros to Access Initialization Entries in PHP
INI_INT(name)Returns the current value of entry name as integer (long).
INI_FLT(name)Returns the current value of entry name as float (double).
INI_STR(name)Returns the current value of entry name as string. Note: This string is not duplicated, but instead points to internal data. Further access requires duplication to local memory.
INI_BOOL(name)Returns the current value of entry name as Boolean (defined as zend_bool, which currently means unsigned char).
INI_ORIG_INT(name)Returns the original value of entry name as integer (long).
INI_ORIG_FLT(name)Returns the original value of entry name as float (double).
INI_ORIG_STR(name)Returns the original value of entry name as string. Note: This string is not duplicated, but instead points to internal data. Further access requires duplication to local memory.
INI_ORIG_BOOL(name)Returns the original value of entry name as Boolean (defined as zend_bool, which currently means unsigned char).

- Finally, you have to introduce your initialization entries to PHP. This can be done in the module startup and shutdown functions, using the macros REGISTER_INI_ENTRIES() and UNREGISTER_INI_ENTRIES():











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