


Глава 20. Exceptions


Extending Exceptions

- PHP 5 has an exception model similar to that of other programming languages. An exception can be thrown, try and caught within PHP. A Try block must include at least one catch block. Multiple catch blocks can be used to catch different classtypes; execution will continue after that last catch block defined in sequence. Exceptions can be thrown within catch blocks.

- When an exception is thrown, code following the statement will not be executed and PHP will attempt to find the first matching catch block. If an exception is not caught a PHP Fatal Error will be issued with an Uncaught Exception message, unless there has been a handler defined with set_exception_handler().

Пример 20-1. Throwing an Exception


try {

$error = 'Always throw this error';

throw new Exception($error);

//Code following an exception is not executed.

echo 'Never executed';

} catch (Exception $e) {

echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";


//Continue execution

echo 'Hello World';


Extending Exceptions

- A User defined Exception class can be defined by extending the built-in Exception class. The members and properties below, show what is accessible within the child class that derives from the built-in Exception class.

Пример 20-2. The Built in Exception class


class Exception


protected $message = 'Unknown exception'; //exception message

protected $code = 0; //user defined exception code

protected $file; //source filename of exception

protected $line; //source line of exception

function __construct($message = null, $code = 0);

final function getMessage(); //message of exception

final function getCode(); //code of exception

final function getFile(); //source filename

final function getLine(); //source line

final function getTrace(); //an array of the backtrace()

final function getTraceAsString(); //formated string of trace


function __toString(); //formated string for display



- If a class extends the built-in Exception class and re-defines the constructor, it is highly recomended that it also call parent::__construct() to ensure all available data has been properly assigned. The __toString() method can be overriden to provide a custom output when the object is presented as a string.

Пример 20-3. Extending the Exception class



* Define a custom exception class


class MyException extends Exception


//Redefine the exception so message isn't optional

public function __construct($message, $code = 0) {

//some code

//make sure everything is assigned properly

parent::__construct($message, $code);


//custom string representation of object*/

public function __toString() {

return __CLASS__ . ": [{$this->code}]: {$this->message}\n";


public function customFunction() {

echo "A Custom function for this type of exception\n";



* Create a class to test the exception


class TestException


public $var;

const THROW_NONE = 0;

const THROW_CUSTOM = 1;

const THROW_DEFAULT = 2;

function __construct($avalue = self::THROW_NONE) {

switch ($avalue) {

case self::THROW_CUSTOM:

//throw custom exception

throw new MyException('1 is an invalid parameter', 5);


case self::THROW_DEFAULT:

//throw default one.

throw new Exception('2 isnt allowed as a parameter', 6);



//No exception, object will be created.

$this->var = $avalue;




//Example 1

try {

$o = new TestException(TestException::THROW_CUSTOM);

} catch (MyException $e) { //Will be caught

echo "Caught my exception\n", $e;


} catch (Exception $e) { //Skipped

echo "Caught Default Exception\n", $e;


//Continue execution


echo "\n\n";

//Example 2

try {

$o = new TestException(TestException::THROW_DEFAULT);

} catch (MyException $e) { //Doesn't match this type

echo "Caught my exception\n", $e;


} catch (Exception $e) { //Will be caught

echo "Caught Default Exception\n", $e;


//Continue execution


echo "\n\n";

//Example 3

try {

$o = new TestException(TestException::THROW_CUSTOM);

} catch (Exception $e) { //Will be caught

echo "Default Exception caught\n", $e;


//Continue execution


echo "\n\n";

//Example 4

try {

$o = new TestException();

} catch (Exception $e) { //Skipped, no exception

echo "Default Exception caught\n", $e;


//Continue execution


echo "\n\n";





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