PHP. Учебник. 2005

Skin development Пред.


Глава 83. Skin development

Page Display Process
Page Elements
CSS classes

- This edition of the PHP Manual allows users to choose from skins to

display the contents, as well as develop custom skins to meet some

special needs. We decided to support skins because we realized that

one skin cannot satisfy everybody's needs in a such heavily used


- We included two skins by default inside the CHM. These cannot be modified

or removed, so if you have the CHM, you have these two skins inside. The

Low skin is optimized for small window display, the High skin is a

variation of the Low one with some graphics added to spice it up.

- A skin must have at least two files, a skin loader JavaScript file and

a CSS file. The two inline skins have these files inside the CHM. The

skin loader JS should at least load in the CSS file and display the

page contents to the viewer. Theoretically there are two kinds of skins:

CSS skins and Full skins. CSS skins only modify the CSS and does not

amend the page layout. Full skins also modify the page layout. We have

included sample skins for both the CSS skin type and the Full skin type

("greenlinks" and "headernostalgia"




- Note that though the current skin development methods are quite final,

there may be heavy changes in used CSS classes or page elements while

we refine the skin development ideas. As this edition is currently in

development stage, the information described herein is not to be

considered completely stable.

Page Display Process

- If you are going to develop your own skin, you should know how one

page is loaded and displayed to the user, and how a skin fits in

this process. For these paragraphs, we assume that you have put

your CHM into c:\phpmanual, so it's accessible

as c:\phpmanual\php_manual_LANG.chm (where LANG

is the language code), and you would like to see the function page

of "echo", which is function.echo.html inside

the CHM. See the sections about

integration for more information on CHM contents.

- First of all the HTML content is loaded in from

function.echo.html from inside the CHM.

  • - At the top of this file, there is a HTML <script>

    tag, which loads in the _script.js file from the

    CHM. This file contains all the JS code needed to move on with the process.

    Most importantly this JS defines many variables (like where the CHM

    is, or what is the actual page viewed) and many functions to print

    out the context menu or handle online functions.

  • - At last _script.js loads in the preferences

    file from outside the CHM ( c:\phpmanual\php_manual_prefs.js

    in our example). This JS file defines the preference variables, and

    calls back prefHandler() which is also defined in


  • - That function loads in the skin JS file as the preferences

    dictate. The skin JS file should load in the needed CSS

    file, and define a displayPage() function,

    which displays the page if called.

  • - The HTML file ( function.echo.html in this

    example) also contains a function call to load in the user notes,

    which simply puts the notes into this HTML file using DHTML to

    be displayed as if they were here before...

  • - The HTML file also contains a body onload attribute which

    calls the skin-defined displayPage() function

    to show the page to the user. This is the last function called,

    it should present the page in it's complete form to the user.

    Every action is synchronized with calling back a function in

    the previously loaded file when the JS is in memory. The notes

    loading and skin JS loading is only synchronized with the page's

    onload event (which as the Microsoft documentation says only fires

    if the page is completely loaded).

    - This load and callback chain may seem to be too complicated, but

    so far this seemed to be the best way to do as many things as

    possible parallel, while also synchronize some calls.

    - As you can see your skin JavaScript file is loaded in by

    _script.js and it's displayPage()

    function is called by the body onload event.

  • Пред.



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