PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5)php_uname --
Returns information about the operating system PHP is running on
string php_uname ([string mode])php_uname() returns a description of the operating
system PHP is running on. For the name of just the operating system,
consider using the PHP_OS constant, but be
reminded this constant will contain the operating system PHP was
built on.
On Unix, the output reverts to displaying the operating system
information PHP was built on if it cannot determine the currently
running OS.
mode is a single character that defines what
information is returned:
'a': This is the default. Contains all modes in the sequence "s n r v m".
's': Operating system name. eg. FreeBSD.
'n': Host name. eg.
'r': Release name. eg. 5.1.2-RELEASE.
'v': Version information. Varies a lot between operating systems.
'm': Machine type. eg. i386.
There are also some related
Predefined PHP
See also phpversion(),
php_sapi_name(), and
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