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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

Source Discussion Пред.


Глава 51. Source Discussion

Module Structure Header File Inclusions Declaring Exported Functions Declaration of the Zend Function Block Declaration of the Zend Module Block Creation of get_module() Implementation of All Exported Functions Summary

Now that you've got a safe build environment and you're able to include

the modules into PHP files, it's time to discuss how everything works.

Module Structure

All PHP modules follow a common structure:

Header file inclusions (to include all required macros, API

definitions, etc.)

  • C declaration of exported functions (required to declare the Zend

    function block)

  • Declaration of the Zend function block

  • Declaration of the Zend module block

  • Implementation of get_module()

  • Implementation of all exported functions

  • Пред.




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    Header File Inclusions

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