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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

Secure Shell2 FunctionsПред.


CXXXI. Secure Shell2 Functions


Bindings to the libssh2 library which provide access to resources (shell, remote exec, tunneling, file transfer) on a remote machine using a secure cryptographic transport.


Windows binaries may be found at http://snaps.php.net/. To install, download php_ssh2.dll to the folder specified by your php.ini file's extension_dir directive. Enable it by adding extension=php_ssh2.dll to your php.ini and restarting your webserver.



Linux, BSD, and other *nix variants can be compiled using the following steps:

  • Download and install OpenSSL. If you install OpenSSL via your distribution's packaging system be sure to install the development libraries as well. This will typically be a package named openssl-dev, openssl_devel, or some variation thereof.
  • Download and install libssh2. Typically this means executing the following command from the libssh2 source tree. ./configure && make all install.
  • Run the pear installer for PECL/ssh2: pear install ssh2
  • Copy ssh2.so from the directory indicated by the build process to the location specified in your php.ini file under extension_dir.
  • Add extension=ssh2.so to your php.ini
  • Restart your webserver to reload your php.ini settings.

    Development Versions: There are currently no stable versions of PECL/ssh2, to force installation of the beta version of PECL/ssh2 execute: pear install ssh2-beta

    Compiling PECL/ssh2 without using the PEAR command: Rather than using pear install ssh2 to automatically download and install PECL/ssh2, you may download the tarball from PECL. From the root of the unpacked tarball, run: phpize && ./configure --with-ssh2 && make to generate ssh2.so. Once built, continue the installation from step 4 above.

    Дополнительная информация, такая как новый версии,

    скачивание, исходные файлы, информация о разработчике и CHANGELOG, могут

    быть найдены здесь: http://pecl.php.net/package/ssh2.

    Замечание: You will need version 0.4 or greater of the libssh2 library (possibly higher, see release notes).

    Предопределенные константы

    -Перечисленные ниже константы определены данным расширением и могут быть

    доступны только в том случае, если PHP был собран с

    поддержкой этого расширения или же в том случае, если

    данное расширение подгружается во время выполнения.

    SSH2_FINGERPRINT_MD5 (integer)

    Flag to ssh2_fingerprint() requesting hostkey fingerprint as an MD5 hash.

    SSH2_FINGERPRINT_SHA1 (integer)

    Flag to ssh2_fingerprint() requesting hostkey fingerprint as an SHA1 hash.

    SSH2_FINGERPRINT_HEX (integer)

    Flag to ssh2_fingerprint() requesting hostkey fingerprint as a string of hexits.

    SSH2_FINGERPRINT_RAW (integer)

    Flag to ssh2_fingerprint() requesting hostkey fingerprint as a raw string of 8-bit characters.

    SSH2_TERM_UNIT_CHARS (integer)

    Flag to ssh2_shell() specifying that width and height are provided as character sizes.

    SSH2_TERM_UNIT_PIXELS (integer)

    Flag to ssh2_shell() specifying that width and height are provided in pixel units.


    Default terminal width requested by ssh2_shell().


    Default terminal height requested by ssh2_shell().

    SSH2_DEFAULT_TERM_UNIT (integer)

    Default terminal units requested by ssh2_shell().

    SSH2_STREAM_STDIO (integer)

    Flag to ssh2_fetch_stream() requesting STDIO subchannel.

    SSH2_STREAM_STDERR (integer)

    Flag to ssh2_fetch_stream() requesting STDERR subchannel.


    Default terminal type (e.g. vt102, ansi, xterm, vanilla) requested by ssh2_shell().


    ssh2_auth_hostbased_file -- Authenticate using a public hostkey

    ssh2_auth_none -- Authenticate as "none"

    ssh2_auth_password -- Authenticate over SSH using a plain password

    ssh2_auth_pubkey_file -- Authenticate using a public key

    ssh2_connect -- Connect to an SSH server

    ssh2_exec -- Execute a command on a remote server

    ssh2_fetch_stream -- Fetch an extended data stream

    ssh2_fingerprint -- Retreive fingerprint of remote server

    ssh2_methods_negotiated -- Return list of negotiated methods

    ssh2_publickey_add -- Add an authorized publickey

    ssh2_publickey_init -- Initialize Publickey subsystem

    ssh2_publickey_list -- List currently authorized publickeys

    ssh2_publickey_remove -- Remove an authorized publickey

    ssh2_scp_recv -- Request a file via SCP

    ssh2_scp_send -- Send a file via SCP

    ssh2_sftp_lstat -- Stat a symbolic link

    ssh2_sftp_mkdir -- Create a directory

    ssh2_sftp_readlink -- Return the target of a symbolic link

    ssh2_sftp_realpath -- Resolve the realpath of a provided path string

    ssh2_sftp_rename -- Rename a remote file

    ssh2_sftp_rmdir -- Remove a directory

    ssh2_sftp_stat -- Stat a file on a remote filesystem

    ssh2_sftp_symlink -- Create a symlink

    ssh2_sftp_unlink -- Delete a file

    ssh2_sftp -- Initialize SFTP subsystem

    ssh2_shell -- Request an interactive shell

    ssh2_tunnel -- Open a tunnel through a remote server





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