создание и продвижение сайта (вбиваю в ТОП-10, как гвозди)Настройка и сопровождение платной рекламы яндекс.директ

PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions



CXXIX. Standard PHP Library (SPL) Functions


SPL is a collection of interfaces and classes that are meant to solve standard problems.

Подсказка: A more detailed documentation of SPL can be found here.


This extension is available and compiled by default in PHP5.

Предопределенные константы

-Перечисленные ниже константы определены данным расширением и могут быть

доступны только в том случае, если PHP был собран с

поддержкой этого расширения или же в том случае, если

данное расширение подгружается во время выполнения.


RIT_SELF_FIRST (integer)





ArrayIterator::current -- Return current array entry

ArrayIterator::key -- Return current array key

ArrayIterator::next -- Move to next entry

ArrayIterator::rewind -- Rewind array back to the start

ArrayIterator::seek -- Seek to position

ArrayIterator::valid -- Check whether array contains more entries

ArrayObject::append -- Appends the value

ArrayObject::__construct -- Construct a new array object

ArrayObject::count -- Return the number of elements in the Iterator

ArrayObject::getIterator -- Create a new iterator from an ArrayObject instance

ArrayObject::offsetExists -- Returns whether the requested $index exists

ArrayObject::offsetGet -- Returns the value at the specified $index

ArrayObject::offsetSet -- Sets the value at the specified $index to $newval

ArrayObject::offsetUnset -- Unsets the value at the specified $index

CachingIterator::hasNext -- Check whether the inner iterator has a valid next element

CachingIterator::next -- Move the iterator forward

CachingIterator::rewind -- Rewind the iterator

CachingIterator::__toString -- Return the string representation of the current element

CachingIterator::valid -- Check whether the current element is valid

CachingRecursiveIterator::getChildren -- Return the inner iterator's children as a CachingRecursiveIterator

CachingRecursiveIterator::hasChildren -- Check whether the current element of the inner iterator has children

DirectoryIterator::__construct -- Constructs a new dir iterator from a path

DirectoryIterator::current -- Return this (needed for Iterator interface)

DirectoryIterator::getATime -- Get last access time of file

DirectoryIterator::getCTime -- Get inode modification time of file

DirectoryIterator::getChildren -- Returns an iterator for the current entry if it is a directory

DirectoryIterator::getFilename -- Return filename of current dir entry

DirectoryIterator::getGroup -- Get file group

DirectoryIterator::getInode -- Get file inode

DirectoryIterator::getMTime -- Get last modification time of file

DirectoryIterator::getOwner -- Get file owner

DirectoryIterator::getPath -- Return directory path

DirectoryIterator::getPathname -- Return path and filename of current dir entry

DirectoryIterator::getPerms -- Get file permissions

DirectoryIterator::getSize -- Get file size

DirectoryIterator::getType -- Get file type

DirectoryIterator::isDir -- Returns true if file is directory

DirectoryIterator::isDot -- Returns true if current entry is '.' or '..'

DirectoryIterator::isExecutable -- Returns true if file is executable

DirectoryIterator::isFile -- Returns true if file is a regular file

DirectoryIterator::isLink -- Returns true if file is symbolic link

DirectoryIterator::isReadable -- Returns true if file can be read

DirectoryIterator::isWritable -- Returns true if file can be written

DirectoryIterator::key -- Return current dir entry

DirectoryIterator::next -- Move to next entry

DirectoryIterator::rewind -- Rewind dir back to the start

DirectoryIterator::valid -- Check whether dir contains more entries

FilterIterator::current -- Get the current element value

FilterIterator::getInnerIterator -- Get the inner iterator

FilterIterator::key -- Get the current key

FilterIterator::next -- Move the iterator forward

FilterIterator::rewind -- Rewind the iterator

FilterIterator::valid -- Check whether the current element is valid

LimitIterator::getPosition -- Return the current position

LimitIterator::next -- Move the iterator forward

LimitIterator::rewind -- Rewind the iterator to the specified starting offset

LimitIterator::seek -- Seek to the given position

LimitIterator::valid -- Check whether the current element is valid

ParentIterator::getChildren -- Return the inner iterator's children contained in a ParentIterator

ParentIterator::hasChildren -- Check whether the inner iterator's current element has children

ParentIterator::next -- Move the iterator forward

ParentIterator::rewind -- Rewind the iterator

RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getChildren -- Returns an iterator for the current entry if it is a directory

RecursiveDirectoryIterator::hasChildren -- Returns whether current entry is a directory and not '.' or '..'

RecursiveDirectoryIterator::key -- Return path and filename of current dir entry

RecursiveDirectoryIterator::next -- Move to next entry

RecursiveDirectoryIterator::rewind -- Rewind dir back to the start

RecursiveIteratorIterator::current -- Access the current element value

RecursiveIteratorIterator::getDepth -- Get the current depth of the recursive iteration

RecursiveIteratorIterator::getSubIterator -- The current active sub iterator

RecursiveIteratorIterator::key -- Access the current key

RecursiveIteratorIterator::next -- Move forward to the next element

RecursiveIteratorIterator::rewind -- Rewind the iterator to the first element of the top level inner iterator

RecursiveIteratorIterator::valid -- Check whether the current position is valid

SimpleXMLIterator::current -- Return current SimpleXML entry

SimpleXMLIterator::getChildren -- Returns an iterator for the current entry if it is a SimpleXML object

SimpleXMLIterator::hasChildren -- Returns whether current entry is a SimpleXML object

SimpleXMLIterator::key -- Return current SimpleXML key

SimpleXMLIterator::next -- Move to next entry

SimpleXMLIterator::rewind -- Rewind SimpleXML back to the start

SimpleXMLIterator::valid -- Check whether SimpleXML contains more entries

class_implements -- Return the interfaces which are implemented by the given class

class_parents -- Return the parent classes of the given class

iterator_count -- Count the elements in an iterator

iterator_to_array -- Copy the iterator into an array

spl_classes -- Return available SPL classes





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