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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

PostScript document creationПред.


CIX. PostScript document creation


This module allows to create PostScript documents. It has many similarities with the pdf extension. Actually the API is almost identical and one can in many cases just replace the prefix of each function from pdf_ to ps_. This also works for functions which has no meaning in the PostScript document (like adding hyperlinks) but will have an effect if the document is converted to PDF.

Documents created by this extension are sometimes even superior to documents created with the pdf extension, because pslib's text rendering functions can handle kerning, hyphenation and ligatures which results in much better output of boxed text.


You need at least PHP4.3.0 and pslib >= 0.1.12. The ps library (pslib) is available at http://pslib.sourceforge.net/.


A short installation note: just type

$ pear install ps

in your console.

Настройка во время выполнения

Данное расширение не определяет никакие директивы конфигурации в php.ini.

Предопределенные константы

-Перечисленные ниже константы определены данным расширением и могут быть

доступны только в том случае, если PHP был собран с

поддержкой этого расширения или же в том случае, если

данное расширение подгружается во время выполнения.

The following two tables lists all constants defined by the ps extension.

Таблица 1. Contants for line caps


Таблица 2. Contants for line joins


Contact Information

If you have comments, bugfixes, enhancements for either this extension or pslib then please drop me a mail steinm@php.net. Any help is very welcome.


ps_add_bookmark -- Add bookmark to current page

ps_add_launchlink -- Adds link which launches file

ps_add_locallink -- Adds link to a page in the same document

ps_add_note -- Adds note to current page

ps_add_pdflink -- Adds link to a page in a second pdf document

ps_add_weblink -- Adds link to a web location

ps_arc -- Draws an arc counterclockwise

ps_arcn -- Draws an arc clockwise

ps_begin_page -- Start a new page

ps_begin_pattern -- Start a new pattern

ps_begin_template -- Start a new template

ps_circle -- Draws a circle

ps_clip -- Clips drawing to current path

ps_close_image -- Closes image and frees memory

ps_close -- Closes a PostScript document

ps_closepath_stroke -- Closes and strokes path

ps_closepath -- Closes path

ps_continue_text -- Continue text in next line

ps_curveto -- Draws a curve

ps_delete -- Deletes all resources of a PostScript document

ps_end_page -- End a page

ps_end_pattern -- End a pattern

ps_end_template -- End a template

ps_fill_stroke -- Fills and strokes the current path

ps_fill -- Fills the current path

ps_findfont -- Loads a font

ps_get_buffer -- Fetches the full buffer containig the generated PS data

ps_get_parameter -- Gets certain parameters

ps_get_value -- Gets certain values

ps_hyphenate -- Hyphenates a word

ps_lineto -- Draws a line

ps_makespotcolor -- Create spot color

ps_moveto -- Sets current point

ps_new -- Creates a new PostScript document object

ps_open_file -- Opens a file for output

ps_open_image_file -- Opens image from file

ps_open_image -- Reads an image for later placement

ps_place_image -- Places image on the page

ps_rect -- Draws a rectangle

ps_restore -- Restore previously save context

ps_rotate -- Sets rotation factor

ps_save -- Save current context

ps_scale -- Sets scaling factor

ps_set_border_color -- Sets color of border for annotations

ps_set_border_dash -- Sets length of dashes for border of annotations

ps_set_border_style -- Sets border style of annotations

ps_set_info -- Sets information fields of document

ps_set_parameter -- Sets certain parameters

ps_set_text_pos -- Sets position for text output

ps_set_value -- Sets certain values

ps_setcolor -- Sets current color

ps_setdash -- Sets appearance of a dashed line

ps_setflat -- Sets flatness

ps_setfont -- Sets font to use for following output

ps_setgray -- Sets gray value

ps_setlinecap -- Sets appearance of line ends

ps_setlinejoin -- Sets how contected lines are joined

ps_setlinewidth -- Sets width of a line

ps_setmiterlimit -- Sets the miter limit

ps_setpolydash -- Sets appearance of a dashed line

ps_shading_pattern -- Creates a pattern based on a shading

ps_shading -- Creates a shading for later use

ps_shfill -- Fills an area with a shading

ps_show_boxed -- Output text in a box

ps_show_xy -- Output text at given position

ps_show -- Output text

ps_string_geometry -- Gets geometry of a string

ps_stringwidth -- Gets width of a string

ps_stroke -- Draws the current path

ps_symbol_name -- Gets name of a glyph

ps_symbol_width -- Gets width of a glyph

ps_symbol -- Output a glyph

ps_translate -- Sets translation





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