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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions



LXXXIV. Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions


ncurses (new curses) is a free software emulation of curses in System V Rel 4.0 (and above). It uses terminfo format, supports pads, colors, multiple highlights, form characters and function key mapping. Because of the interactive nature of this library, it will be of little use for writing Web applications, but may be useful when writing scripts meant using PHP from the command line.

Внимание. Это расширение является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫМ. Поведение этого расширения, включая имена его функций и относящуюся к нему документацию, может измениться в последующих версиях PHP без уведомления. Используйте это расширение на свой страх и риск.

Ncurses is available for the following platforms:

  • AIX
  • BeOS
  • Cygwin
  • Digital Unix (aka OSF1)
  • FreeBSD
  • GNU/Linux
  • HPUX
  • IRIX
  • OS/2
  • SCO OpenServer
  • Solaris
  • SunOS


    You need the ncurses libraries and headerfiles. Download the latest version from the ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/ncurses/ or from an other GNU-Mirror.


    To get these functions to work, you have to compile the CGI or CLI version of PHP with --with-ncurses[=DIR].

    Настройка во время выполнения

    -Поведение этих функций зависит от установок в php.ini.

    Таблица 1. Ncurses configuration options


    Для подробного описания констант

    PHP_INI_*, обратитесь к документации функции ini_set().

    Типы ресурсов

    Данное расширение не определяет никакие типы ресурсов.

    Предопределенные константы

    -Перечисленные ниже константы определены данным расширением и могут быть

    доступны только в том случае, если PHP был собран с

    поддержкой этого расширения или же в том случае, если

    данное расширение подгружается во время выполнения.

    Error codes

    On error ncurses functions return NCURSES_ERR.


    Таблица 2. ncurses color constants

    NCURSES_COLOR_BLACKno color (black)
    NCURSES_COLOR_REDred - supported when terminal is in color mode
    NCURSES_COLOR_GREENgreen - supported when terminal is in color mode
    NCURSES_COLOR_YELLOWyellow - supported when terminal is in color mode
    NCURSES_COLOR_BLUEblue - supported when terminal is in color mode
    NCURSES_COLOR_CYANcyan - supported when terminal is in color mode
    NCURSES_COLOR_MAGENTAmagenta - supported when terminal is in color mode


    Таблица 3. ncurses key constants

    NCURSES_KEY_F0 - NCURSES_KEY_F64function keys F1 - F64
    NCURSES_KEY_DOWNdown arrow
    NCURSES_KEY_UPup arrow
    NCURSES_KEY_LEFTleft arrow
    NCURSES_KEY_RIGHTright arrow
    NCURSES_KEY_HOMEhome key (upward+left arrow)
    NCURSES_KEY_DLdelete line
    NCURSES_KEY_ILinsert line
    NCURSES_KEY_DCdelete character
    NCURSES_KEY_ICinsert char or enter insert mode
    NCURSES_KEY_EICexit insert char mode
    NCURSES_KEY_CLEARclear screen
    NCURSES_KEY_EOSclear to end of screen
    NCURSES_KEY_EOLclear to end of line
    NCURSES_KEY_SFscroll one line forward
    NCURSES_KEY_SRscroll one line backward
    NCURSES_KEY_NPAGEnext page
    NCURSES_KEY_PPAGEprevious page
    NCURSES_KEY_CTABclear tab
    NCURSES_KEY_CATABclear all tabs
    NCURSES_KEY_SRESETsoft (partial) reset
    NCURSES_KEY_RESETreset or hard reset
    NCURSES_KEY_LLlower left
    NCURSES_KEY_A1upper left of keypad
    NCURSES_KEY_A3upper right of keypad
    NCURSES_KEY_B2center of keypad
    NCURSES_KEY_C1lower left of keypad
    NCURSES_KEY_C3lower right of keypad
    NCURSES_KEY_BTABback tab
    NCURSES_KEY_COMMANDcmd (command)
    NCURSES_KEY_REFERENCEref (reference)
    NCURSES_KEY_SBEGshiftet beg (beginning)
    NCURSES_KEY_SCANCELshifted cancel
    NCURSES_KEY_SCOMMANDshifted command
    NCURSES_KEY_SCOPYshifted copy
    NCURSES_KEY_SCREATEshifted create
    NCURSES_KEY_SDCshifted delete char
    NCURSES_KEY_SDLshifted delete line
    NCURSES_KEY_SENDshifted end
    NCURSES_KEY_SEOLshifted end of line
    NCURSES_KEY_SEXITshifted exit
    NCURSES_KEY_SFINDshifted find
    NCURSES_KEY_SHELPshifted help
    NCURSES_KEY_SHOMEshifted home
    NCURSES_KEY_SICshifted input
    NCURSES_KEY_SLEFTshifted left arrow
    NCURSES_KEY_SMESSAGEshifted message
    NCURSES_KEY_SMOVEshifted move
    NCURSES_KEY_SNEXTshifted next
    NCURSES_KEY_SOPTIONSshifted options
    NCURSES_KEY_SPREVIOUSshifted previous
    NCURSES_KEY_SPRINTshifted print
    NCURSES_KEY_SREDOshifted redo
    NCURSES_KEY_SREPLACEshifted replace
    NCURSES_KEY_SRIGHTshifted right arrow
    NCURSES_KEY_SRSUMEshifted resume
    NCURSES_KEY_SSAVEshifted save
    NCURSES_KEY_SSUSPENDshifted suspend
    NCURSES_KEY_MOUSEmouse event has occurred
    NCURSES_KEY_MAXmaximum key value


    Таблица 4. mouse constants

    NCURSES_BUTTON_CTRLctrl pressed during click
    NCURSES_BUTTON_SHIFTshift pressed during click
    NCURSES_BUTTON_ALTalt pressed during click
    NCURSES_ALL_MOUSE_EVENTSreport all mouse events
    NCURSES_REPORT_MOUSE_POSITIONreport mouse position


    ncurses_addch -- Add character at current position and advance cursor

    ncurses_addchnstr -- Add attributed string with specified length at current position

    ncurses_addchstr -- Add attributed string at current position

    ncurses_addnstr -- Add string with specified length at current position

    ncurses_addstr -- Output text at current position

    ncurses_assume_default_colors -- Define default colors for color 0

    ncurses_attroff -- Turn off the given attributes

    ncurses_attron -- Turn on the given attributes

    ncurses_attrset -- Set given attributes

    ncurses_baudrate -- Returns baudrate of terminal

    ncurses_beep -- Let the terminal beep

    ncurses_bkgd -- Set background property for terminal screen

    ncurses_bkgdset -- Control screen background

    ncurses_border -- Draw a border around the screen using attributed characters

    ncurses_bottom_panel -- Moves a visible panel to the bottom of the stack

    ncurses_can_change_color -- Check if we can change terminals colors

    ncurses_cbreak -- Switch of input buffering

    ncurses_clear -- Clear screen

    ncurses_clrtobot -- Clear screen from current position to bottom

    ncurses_clrtoeol -- Clear screen from current position to end of line

    ncurses_color_content -- Gets the RGB value for color

    ncurses_color_set -- Set fore- and background color

    ncurses_curs_set -- Set cursor state

    ncurses_def_prog_mode -- Saves terminals (program) mode

    ncurses_def_shell_mode -- Saves terminals (shell) mode

    ncurses_define_key -- Define a keycode

    ncurses_del_panel -- Remove panel from the stack and delete it (but not the associated window)

    ncurses_delay_output -- Delay output on terminal using padding characters

    ncurses_delch -- Delete character at current position, move rest of line left

    ncurses_deleteln -- Delete line at current position, move rest of screen up

    ncurses_delwin -- Delete a ncurses window

    ncurses_doupdate -- Write all prepared refreshes to terminal

    ncurses_echo -- Activate keyboard input echo

    ncurses_echochar -- Single character output including refresh

    ncurses_end -- Stop using ncurses, clean up the screen

    ncurses_erase -- Erase terminal screen

    ncurses_erasechar -- Returns current erase character

    ncurses_filter -- Set LINES for iniscr() and newterm() to 1

    ncurses_flash -- Flash terminal screen (visual bell)

    ncurses_flushinp -- Flush keyboard input buffer

    ncurses_getch -- Read a character from keyboard

    ncurses_getmaxyx -- Returns the size of a window

    ncurses_getmouse -- Reads mouse event

    ncurses_getyx -- Returns the current cursor position for a window

    ncurses_halfdelay -- Put terminal into halfdelay mode

    ncurses_has_colors -- Check if terminal has colors

    ncurses_has_ic -- Check for insert- and delete-capabilities

    ncurses_has_il -- Check for line insert- and delete-capabilities

    ncurses_has_key -- Check for presence of a function key on terminal keyboard

    ncurses_hide_panel -- Remove panel from the stack, making it invisible

    ncurses_hline -- Draw a horizontal line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long

    ncurses_inch -- Get character and attribute at current position

    ncurses_init_color -- Set new RGB value for color

    ncurses_init_pair -- Allocate a color pair

    ncurses_init -- Initialize ncurses

    ncurses_insch -- Insert character moving rest of line including character at current position

    ncurses_insdelln -- Insert lines before current line scrolling down (negative numbers delete and scroll up)

    ncurses_insertln -- Insert a line, move rest of screen down

    ncurses_insstr -- Insert string at current position, moving rest of line right

    ncurses_instr -- Reads string from terminal screen

    ncurses_isendwin -- Ncurses is in endwin mode, normal screen output may be performed

    ncurses_keyok -- Enable or disable a keycode

    ncurses_keypad -- Turns keypad on or off

    ncurses_killchar -- Returns current line kill character

    ncurses_longname -- Returns terminals description

    ncurses_meta -- Enables/Disable 8-bit meta key information

    ncurses_mouse_trafo -- Transforms coordinates

    ncurses_mouseinterval -- Set timeout for mouse button clicks

    ncurses_mousemask -- Sets mouse options

    ncurses_move_panel -- Moves a panel so that its upper-left corner is at [startx, starty]

    ncurses_move -- Move output position

    ncurses_mvaddch -- Move current position and add character

    ncurses_mvaddchnstr -- Move position and add attributed string with specified length

    ncurses_mvaddchstr -- Move position and add attributed string

    ncurses_mvaddnstr -- Move position and add string with specified length

    ncurses_mvaddstr -- Move position and add string

    ncurses_mvcur -- Move cursor immediately

    ncurses_mvdelch -- Move position and delete character, shift rest of line left

    ncurses_mvgetch -- Move position and get character at new position

    ncurses_mvhline -- Set new position and draw a horizontal line using an attributed character and max. n characters long

    ncurses_mvinch -- Move position and get attributed character at new position

    ncurses_mvvline -- Set new position and draw a vertical line using an attributed character and max. n characters long

    ncurses_mvwaddstr -- Add string at new position in window

    ncurses_napms -- Sleep

    ncurses_new_panel -- Create a new panel and associate it with window

    ncurses_newpad -- Creates a new pad (window)

    ncurses_newwin -- Create a new window

    ncurses_nl -- Translate newline and carriage return / line feed

    ncurses_nocbreak -- Switch terminal to cooked mode

    ncurses_noecho -- Switch off keyboard input echo

    ncurses_nonl -- Do not translate newline and carriage return / line feed

    ncurses_noqiflush -- Do not flush on signal characters

    ncurses_noraw -- Switch terminal out of raw mode

    ncurses_pair_content -- Gets the RGB value for color

    ncurses_panel_above -- Returns the panel above panel

    ncurses_panel_below -- Returns the panel below panel

    ncurses_panel_window -- Returns the window associated with panel

    ncurses_pnoutrefresh -- Copies a region from a pad into the virtual screen

    ncurses_prefresh -- Copies a region from a pad into the virtual screen

    ncurses_putp -- Apply padding information to the string and output it

    ncurses_qiflush -- Flush on signal characters

    ncurses_raw -- Switch terminal into raw mode

    ncurses_refresh -- Refresh screen

    ncurses_replace_panel -- Replaces the window associated with panel

    ncurses_reset_prog_mode -- Resets the prog mode saved by def_prog_mode

    ncurses_reset_shell_mode -- Resets the shell mode saved by def_shell_mode

    ncurses_resetty -- Restores saved terminal state

    ncurses_savetty -- Saves terminal state

    ncurses_scr_dump -- Dump screen content to file

    ncurses_scr_init -- Initialize screen from file dump

    ncurses_scr_restore -- Restore screen from file dump

    ncurses_scr_set -- Inherit screen from file dump

    ncurses_scrl -- Scroll window content up or down without changing current position

    ncurses_show_panel -- Places an invisible panel on top of the stack, making it visible

    ncurses_slk_attr -- Returns current soft label key attribute

    ncurses_slk_attroff -- Turn off the given attributes for soft function-key labels

    ncurses_slk_attron -- Turn on the given attributes for soft function-key labels

    ncurses_slk_attrset -- Set given attributes for soft function-key labels

    ncurses_slk_clear -- Clears soft labels from screen

    ncurses_slk_color -- Sets color for soft label keys

    ncurses_slk_init -- Initializes soft label key functions

    ncurses_slk_noutrefresh -- Copies soft label keys to virtual screen

    ncurses_slk_refresh -- Copies soft label keys to screen

    ncurses_slk_restore -- Restores soft label keys

    ncurses_slk_set -- Sets function key labels

    ncurses_slk_touch -- Forces output when ncurses_slk_noutrefresh is performed

    ncurses_standend -- Stop using 'standout' attribute

    ncurses_standout -- Start using 'standout' attribute

    ncurses_start_color -- Start using colors

    ncurses_termattrs -- Returns a logical OR of all attribute flags supported by terminal

    ncurses_termname -- Returns terminals (short)-name

    ncurses_timeout -- Set timeout for special key sequences

    ncurses_top_panel -- Moves a visible panel to the top of the stack

    ncurses_typeahead -- Specify different filedescriptor for typeahead checking

    ncurses_ungetch -- Put a character back into the input stream

    ncurses_ungetmouse -- Pushes mouse event to queue

    ncurses_update_panels -- Refreshes the virtual screen to reflect the relations between panels in the stack

    ncurses_use_default_colors -- Assign terminal default colors to color id -1

    ncurses_use_env -- Control use of environment information about terminal size

    ncurses_use_extended_names -- Control use of extended names in terminfo descriptions

    ncurses_vidattr -- Display the string on the terminal in the video attribute mode

    ncurses_vline -- Draw a vertical line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long

    ncurses_waddch -- Adds character at current position in a window and advance cursor

    ncurses_waddstr -- Outputs text at current postion in window

    ncurses_wattroff -- Turns off attributes for a window

    ncurses_wattron -- Turns on attributes for a window

    ncurses_wattrset -- Set the attributes for a window

    ncurses_wborder -- Draws a border around the window using attributed characters

    ncurses_wclear -- Clears window

    ncurses_wcolor_set -- Sets windows color pairings

    ncurses_werase -- Erase window contents

    ncurses_wgetch -- Reads a character from keyboard (window)

    ncurses_whline -- Draws a horizontal line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long

    ncurses_wmouse_trafo -- Transforms window/stdscr coordinates

    ncurses_wmove -- Moves windows output position

    ncurses_wnoutrefresh -- Copies window to virtual screen

    ncurses_wrefresh -- Refresh window on terminal screen

    ncurses_wstandend -- End standout mode for a window

    ncurses_wstandout -- Enter standout mode for a window

    ncurses_wvline -- Draws a vertical line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long





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