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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

ICAP Functions [deprecated]
Пред. След.

XLIX. ICAP Functions [deprecated]


Замечание: Icap will be removed in near future. Neither this module, nor those versions of icap library are supported any longer. If you want to use calendar capabilities in PHP, use mcal instead.


The icap library has to be installed, which is not longer supported and available.


To get these functions to work, you have to compile PHP with --with-icap.

Настройка во время выполнения

Данное расширение не определяет никакие директивы конфигурации в php.ini.

Типы ресурсов

Данное расширение не определяет никакие типы ресурсов.

Предопределенные константы

Данное расширение не определяет никакие константы.

icap_close -- Close an ICAP stream
icap_create_calendar --  Create a new calendar
icap_delete_calendar --  Delete a calendar
icap_delete_event -- Delete an event from an ICAP calendar
icap_fetch_event -- Fetches an event from the calendar stream/
icap_list_alarms --  Return a list of events that has an alarm triggered at the given datetime
icap_list_events --  Return a list of events between two given datetimes
icap_open -- Opens up an ICAP connection
icap_rename_calendar --  Rename a calendar
icap_reopen --  Reopen ICAP stream to new calendar
icap_snooze -- Snooze an alarm
icap_store_event -- Store an event into an ICAP calendar

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