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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

FrontBase Functions



XXXV. FrontBase Functions


These functions allow you to access FrontBase database servers. More information about FrontBase can be found at http://frontbase.com/.

Documentation for FrontBase can be found at http://frontbase.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/FrontBase.woa/wa/productsPage?currentPage=Documentation.

Frontbase support has been added to PHP4.0.6.


You must install the FrontBase database server or at least the fbsql client libraries to use this functions. You can get FrontBase from http://frontbase.com/.


In order to have these functions available, you must compile PHP with fbsql support by using the --with-fbsql[=DIR] option. If you use this option without specifying the path to fbsql, PHP will search for the fbsql client libraries in the default installation location for the platform. Users who installed FrontBase in a non standard directory should always specify the path to fbsql: --with-fbsql=/path/to/fbsql. This will force PHP to use the client libraries installed by FrontBase, avoiding any conflicts.

Настройка во время выполнения

-Поведение этих функций зависит от установок в php.ini.

Таблица 1. FrontBase configuration options

fbsql.allow_persistent"1"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.2.0.
fbsql.generate_warnings"0"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.0.6.
fbsql.autocommit"1"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.0.6.
fbsql.max_persistent"-1"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.0.6.
fbsql.max_links"128"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.0.6.
fbsql.max_connections"128"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.0.6.
fbsql.max_results"128"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.0.6.
fbsql.default_hostNULLPHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.0.6.
fbsql.default_user"_SYSTEM"PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.0.6.
fbsql.default_password""PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.0.6.
fbsql.default_database""PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.0.6.
fbsql.default_database_password""PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable since PHP4.0.6.

Для подробного описания констант

PHP_INI_*, обратитесь к документации функции ini_set().

Типы ресурсов

Предопределенные константы

-Перечисленные ниже константы определены данным расширением и могут быть

доступны только в том случае, если PHP был собран с

поддержкой этого расширения или же в том случае, если

данное расширение подгружается во время выполнения.

FBSQL_ASSOC (integer)

FBSQL_NUM (integer)

FBSQL_BOTH (integer)














FBSQL_NOEXEC (integer)




fbsql_affected_rows -- Get number of affected rows in previous FrontBase operation

fbsql_autocommit -- Enable or disable autocommit

fbsql_blob_size -- Get the size of a BLOB

fbsql_change_user -- Change logged in user of the active connection

fbsql_clob_size -- Get the size of a CLOB

fbsql_close -- Close FrontBase connection

fbsql_commit -- Commits a transaction to the database

fbsql_connect -- Open a connection to a FrontBase Server

fbsql_create_blob -- Create a BLOB

fbsql_create_clob -- Create a CLOB

fbsql_create_db -- Create a FrontBase database

fbsql_data_seek -- Move internal result pointer

fbsql_database_password -- Sets or retrieves the password for a FrontBase database

fbsql_database -- Get or set the database name used with a connection

fbsql_db_query -- Send a FrontBase query

fbsql_db_status -- Get the status for a given database

fbsql_drop_db -- Drop (delete) a FrontBase database

fbsql_errno -- Returns the numerical value of the error message from previous FrontBase operation

fbsql_error -- Returns the text of the error message from previous FrontBase operation

fbsql_fetch_array -- Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both

fbsql_fetch_assoc -- Fetch a result row as an associative array

fbsql_fetch_field -- Get column information from a result and return as an object

fbsql_fetch_lengths -- Get the length of each output in a result

fbsql_fetch_object -- Fetch a result row as an object

fbsql_fetch_row -- Get a result row as an enumerated array

fbsql_field_flags -- Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result

fbsql_field_len -- Returns the length of the specified field

fbsql_field_name -- Get the name of the specified field in a result

fbsql_field_seek -- Set result pointer to a specified field offset

fbsql_field_table -- Get name of the table the specified field is in

fbsql_field_type -- Get the type of the specified field in a result

fbsql_free_result -- Free result memory

fbsql_get_autostart_info -- No description given yet

fbsql_hostname -- Get or set the host name used with a connection

fbsql_insert_id -- Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation

fbsql_list_dbs -- List databases available on a FrontBase server

fbsql_list_fields -- List FrontBase result fields

fbsql_list_tables -- List tables in a FrontBase database

fbsql_next_result -- Move the internal result pointer to the next result

fbsql_num_fields -- Get number of fields in result

fbsql_num_rows -- Get number of rows in result

fbsql_password -- Get or set the user password used with a connection

fbsql_pconnect -- Open a persistent connection to a FrontBase Server

fbsql_query -- Send a FrontBase query

fbsql_read_blob -- Read a BLOB from the database

fbsql_read_clob -- Read a CLOB from the database

fbsql_result -- Get result data

fbsql_rollback -- Rollback a transaction to the database

fbsql_select_db -- Select a FrontBase database

fbsql_set_lob_mode -- Set the LOB retrieve mode for a FrontBase result set

fbsql_set_password -- Change the password for a given user

fbsql_set_transaction -- Set the transaction locking and isolation

fbsql_start_db -- Start a database on local or remote server

fbsql_stop_db -- Stop a database on local or remote server

fbsql_tablename -- Get table name of field

fbsql_username -- Get or set the host user used with a connection

fbsql_warnings -- Enable or disable FrontBase warnings





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