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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

DB++ Functions



XXIV. DB++ Functions

Внимание. Это расширение является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫМ. Поведение этого расширения, включая имена его функций и относящуюся к нему документацию, может измениться в последующих версиях PHP без уведомления. Используйте это расширение на свой страх и риск.


db++, made by the German company Concept asa, is a relational database system with high performance and low memory and disk usage in mind. While providing SQL as an additional language interface, it is not really a SQL database in the first place but provides its own AQL query language which is much more influenced by the relational algebra then SQL is.

Concept asa always had an interest in supporting open source languages, db++ has had Perl and Tcl call interfaces for years now and uses Tcl as its internal stored procedure language.


This extension relies on external client libraries so you have to have a db++ client installed on the system you want to use this extension on.

Concept asa provides db++ Demo versions and documentation for Linux, some other Unix versions. There is also a Windows version of db++, but this extension doesn't support it (yet).


In order to build this extension yourself you need the db++ client libraries and header files to be installed on your system (these are included in the db++ installation archives by default). You have to run configure with option --with-dbplus to build this extension.

configure looks for the client libraries and header files under the default paths /usr/dbplus, /usr/local/dbplus and /opt/dblus. If you have installed db++ in a different place you have add the installation path to the configure option like this: --with-dbplus=/your/installation/path.

Настройка во время выполнения

Данное расширение не определяет никакие директивы конфигурации в php.ini.

Типы ресурсов


Most db++ functions operate on or return dbplus_relation resources. A dbplus_relation is a handle to a stored relation or a relation generated as the result of a query.

Предопределенные константы

Перечисленные ниже константы определены данным расширением и могут быть доступны только в том случае, если PHP был собран с поддержкой этого расширения или же в том случае, если данное расширение подгружается во время выполнения.

db++ error codes

Таблица 1. DB++ Error Codes

PHP Constantdb++ constantmeaning
- DBPLUS_ERR_NOERR (integer)ERR_NOERRNull error condition
- DBPLUS_ERR_DUPLICATE (integer)ERR_DUPLICATETried to insert a duplicate tuple
- DBPLUS_ERR_EOSCAN (integer)ERR_EOSCANEnd of scan from rget()
- DBPLUS_ERR_EMPTY (integer)ERR_EMPTYRelation is empty (server)
- DBPLUS_ERR_CLOSE (integer)ERR_CLOSEThe server can't close
- DBPLUS_ERR_WLOCKED (integer)ERR_WLOCKEDThe record is write locked
- DBPLUS_ERR_LOCKED (integer)ERR_LOCKEDRelation was already locked
- DBPLUS_ERR_NOLOCK (integer)ERR_NOLOCKRelation cannot be locked
- DBPLUS_ERR_READ (integer)ERR_READRead error on relation
- DBPLUS_ERR_WRITE (integer)ERR_WRITEWrite error on relation
- DBPLUS_ERR_CREATE (integer)ERR_CREATECreate() system call failed
- DBPLUS_ERR_LSEEK (integer)ERR_LSEEKLseek() system call failed
- DBPLUS_ERR_LENGTH (integer)ERR_LENGTHTuple exceeds maximum length
- DBPLUS_ERR_OPEN (integer)ERR_OPENOpen() system call failed
- DBPLUS_ERR_WOPEN (integer)ERR_WOPENRelation already opened for writing
- DBPLUS_ERR_MAGIC (integer)ERR_MAGICFile is not a relation
- DBPLUS_ERR_VERSION (integer)ERR_VERSIONFile is a very old relation
- DBPLUS_ERR_PGSIZE (integer)ERR_PGSIZERelation uses a different page size
- DBPLUS_ERR_CRC (integer)ERR_CRCInvalid crc in the superpage
- DBPLUS_ERR_PIPE (integer)ERR_PIPEPiped relation requires lseek()
- DBPLUS_ERR_NIDX (integer)ERR_NIDXToo many secondary indices
- DBPLUS_ERR_MALLOC (integer)ERR_MALLOCMalloc() call failed
- DBPLUS_ERR_NUSERS (integer)ERR_NUSERSError use of max users
- DBPLUS_ERR_PREEXIT (integer)ERR_PREEXITCaused by invalid usage
- DBPLUS_ERR_ONTRAP (integer)ERR_ONTRAPCaused by a signal
- DBPLUS_ERR_PREPROC (integer)ERR_PREPROCError in the preprocessor
- DBPLUS_ERR_DBPARSE (integer)ERR_DBPARSEError in the parser
- DBPLUS_ERR_DBRUNERR (integer)ERR_DBRUNERRRun error in db
- DBPLUS_ERR_DBPREEXIT (integer)ERR_DBPREEXITExit condition caused by prexit() * procedure
- DBPLUS_ERR_WAIT (integer)ERR_WAITWait a little (Simple only)
- DBPLUS_ERR_CORRUPT_TUPLE (integer)ERR_CORRUPT_TUPLEA client sent a corrupt tuple
- DBPLUS_ERR_WARNING0 (integer)ERR_WARNING0- The Simple routines encountered a non fatal error which was corrected
- DBPLUS_ERR_PANIC (integer)ERR_PANIC- The server should not really die but after a disaster send ERR_PANIC to all its clients
- DBPLUS_ERR_FIFO (integer)ERR_FIFOCan't create a fifo
- DBPLUS_ERR_PERM (integer)ERR_PERMPermission denied
- DBPLUS_ERR_TCL (integer)ERR_TCLTCL_error
- DBPLUS_ERR_USER (integer)ERR_USER- An error in the use of the library by an application programmer


dbplus_add -- Add a tuple to a relation

dbplus_aql -- Perform AQL query

dbplus_chdir -- Get/Set database virtual current directory

dbplus_close -- Close a relation

dbplus_curr -- Get current tuple from relation

dbplus_errcode -- Get error string for given errorcode or last error

dbplus_errno -- Get error code for last operation

dbplus_find -- Set a constraint on a relation

dbplus_first -- Get first tuple from relation

dbplus_flush -- Flush all changes made on a relation

dbplus_freealllocks -- Free all locks held by this client

dbplus_freelock -- Release write lock on tuple

dbplus_freerlocks -- Free all tuple locks on given relation

dbplus_getlock -- Get a write lock on a tuple

dbplus_getunique -- Get an id number unique to a relation

dbplus_info -- Get information about a relation

dbplus_last -- Get last tuple from relation

dbplus_lockrel -- Request write lock on relation

dbplus_next -- Get next tuple from relation

dbplus_open -- Open relation file

dbplus_prev -- Get previous tuple from relation

dbplus_rchperm -- Change relation permissions

dbplus_rcreate -- Creates a new DB++ relation

dbplus_rcrtexact -- Creates an exact but empty copy of a relation including indices

dbplus_rcrtlike -- Creates an empty copy of a relation with default indices

dbplus_resolve -- Resolve host information for relation

dbplus_restorepos -- Restore position

dbplus_rkeys -- Specify new primary key for a relation

dbplus_ropen -- Open relation file local

dbplus_rquery -- Perform local (raw) AQL query

dbplus_rrename -- Rename a relation

dbplus_rsecindex -- Create a new secondary index for a relation

dbplus_runlink -- Remove relation from filesystem

dbplus_rzap -- Remove all tuples from relation

dbplus_savepos -- Save position

dbplus_setindex -- Set index

dbplus_setindexbynumber -- Set index by number

dbplus_sql -- Perform SQL query

dbplus_tcl -- Execute TCL code on server side

dbplus_tremove -- Remove tuple and return new current tuple

dbplus_undo -- Undo

dbplus_undoprepare -- Prepare undo

dbplus_unlockrel -- Give up write lock on relation

dbplus_unselect -- Remove a constraint from relation

dbplus_update -- Update specified tuple in relation

dbplus_xlockrel -- Request exclusive lock on relation

dbplus_xunlockrel -- Free exclusive lock on relation





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