Downloading PECL extensions

There are several options for downloading PECL extensions, such as:


    Listed here is information like the ChangeLog, release information, requirements, revisions, etc. Although not every PECL extension has a webpage, most do.

  • pear download extname

    The pear command may also be used to download source files. Specific revisions may also be specified.

  • CVS

    All PECL files reside in CVS. A web-based view may be seen at To download straight from CVS, consider the following where phpfi is the password for user cvsread:

    $ cvs login 
    $ cvs co pecl/extname

  • Windows downloads

    Windows users may find compiled PECL binaries by downloading the Collection of PECL modules from the PHP Downloads page, and by retrieving a PECL Snapshot. To compile PHP under Windows, read the Win32 Build README.

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