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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

xdiff_file_patch_binaryПред. След.


(PECL)xdiff_file_patch_binary --  Patch a file with a binary diff


bool xdiff_file_patch_binary (string file, string patch, string dest)

xdiff_file_patch_binary() patches file file with binary patch in file patch and stores result in file dest.

Замечание: Both files (file and patch) will be loaded into memory so ensure that your memory_limit is set high enough.

Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.

Пример 1. xdiff_file_patch_binary() example

The following code applies binary diff to a file.

$old_version = 'archive-1.0.tgz';

$patch = 'archive.bpatch';

$result = xdiff_file_patch_binary($old_version, $patch, 'archive-1.1.tgz');

if ($result) {

   echo "File patched";

} else {

   echo "File couldn't be patched";



See also xdiff_string_patch_binary().

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