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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

stream_socket_sendtoПред. След.


(PHP 5)stream_socket_sendto -- Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not


int stream_socket_sendto (resource socket, string data [, int flags [, string address]])

The function stream_socket_sendto() sends the data specified by data through the socket specified by socket. The address specified when the socket stream was created will be used unless an alternate address is specified in address.

The value of flags can be any combination of the following:

Таблица 1. possible values for flags
STREAM_OOB Process OOB (out-of-band) data.

Пример 1. stream_socket_sendto() Example

/* Open a socket to port 1234 on localhost */

$socket = stream_socket_client('tcp://');

/* Send ordinary data via ordinary channels. */

fwrite($socket, "Normal data transmit.");

/* Send more data out of band. */

stream_socket_sendto($socket, "Out of Band data.", STREAM_OOB);

/* Close it up */



See also stream_socket_recvfrom(), stream_socket_client(), and stream_socket_server().

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