создание и продвижение сайта (вбиваю в ТОП-10, как гвозди)Настройка и сопровождение платной рекламы яндекс.директ

PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

stream_get_filtersПред. След.


(PHP 5)stream_get_filters -- Retrieve list of registered filters


array stream_get_filters (void)

Returns an indexed array containing the name of all stream filters available on the running system.

Пример 1. Using stream_get_filters()


$streamlist = stream_get_filters();



Output will be similar to the following. Note: there may be more or fewer filters in your version of PHP.

Array (
[0] => string.rot13
[1] => string.toupper
[2] => string.tolower
[3] => string.base64
[4] => string.quoted-printable

See also stream_filter_register(), and stream_get_wrappers().

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