создание и продвижение сайта (вбиваю в ТОП-10, как гвозди)Настройка и сопровождение платной рекламы яндекс.директ

PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

socket_shutdownПред. След.


(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5)socket_shutdown -- Shuts down a socket for receiving, sending, or both


bool socket_shutdown (resource socket [, int how])

The socket_shutdown() function allows you to stop incoming, outgoing or all data (the default) from being sent through the socket

The value of how can be one of the following:

Таблица 1. possible values for how

0 Shutdown socket reading
1 Shutdown socket writing
2 Shutdown socket reading and writing

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