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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

SoapServer->addFunction()Пред. След.


(no version information, might be only in CVS)SoapServer->addFunction() --  Adds one or several functions those will handle SOAP requests


class SoapServer {

void addFunction (mixed functions)


Exports one or more functions for remote clients.

Список параметров


To export one function, pass the function name into this parameter as a string.

To export several functions, pass an array of function names.

To export all the functions, pass a special constant SOAP_FUNCTIONS_ALL.

Замечание: functions must receive all input arguments in the same order as defined in the WSDL file (They should not receive any output parameters as arguments) and return one or more values. To return several values they must return an array with named output parameters.

Возвращаемые значения

Эта функция не возвращает значения после выполнения.


Пример 1. Some examples

function echoString($inputString)


    return $inputString;



function echoTwoStrings($inputString1, $inputString2)


    return array("outputString1" => $inputString1,

                 "outputString2" => $inputString2);


$server->addFunction(array("echoString", "echoTwoStrings"));



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