PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005
resource ocilogon (string username, string password [, string db [, string charset]])ocilogon() returns an connection identifier
needed for most other OCI calls. The optional third parameter
can either contain the name of the local Oracle instance or the
name of the entry in tnsnames.ora to which you want to connect.
If the optional third parameter is not specified, PHP uses the
environment variables ORACLE_SID (Oracle instance) or TWO_TASK
(tnsnames.ora) to determine which database to connect to.
Используя сервер Oracle версии 9.2 и выше, вы можете
указать параметр charset, который будет использован в
новом подключении. Если вы используете сервер Oracle версии < 9.2, этот параметр будет
проигнорирован и вместо него будет использована переменная окружения NLS_LANG.
Connections are shared at the page level when using
ocilogon(). This means that commits and
rollbacks apply to all open transactions in the page, even if you
have created multiple connections.
This example demonstrates how the connections are shared.
This function was renamed to oci_connect()
after PHP >= 5.0.0. For downward compatibility
ocilogon() can also be used.
This is deprecated, however.