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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

The Full Text Search Пред.


Глава 80. The Full Text Search

General searching rules Searching for words or phrases Defining search terms Using nested expressions when searching Manual Content and User Note Separation

This edition of the PHP Manual includes an advanced full text

search possibility provided by the viewer application. This enables

users to search through every word in the help file to find a

match. For example, if a user does a full-text search on the word

"Apache", every topic that contains the word "Apache" will be listed.

Advanced full-text search allows a user to search using boolean,

wildcard, and nested expressions. A user can also limit the search

to previous results, match similar words, or search topic titles only.

The usage of the search feature is fairly straightforward. Click on

the search tab, type in the desired words and press ENTER (or click

on "List Topics"). Then you'll receive a list of matches from the

PHP Manual (and the notes). You can use the button with a right

arrow on it to add boolean operators to your search (or you can type

them in). As you see the results, you can use the column headings

(Title, Location and Rank) to sort the topic list. The default order

is by Rank. You can also adjust some parameters at the bottom of this


The words found are highlighted on the current page in the Topic pane

by default. You can turn off this feature by choosing the "Search

Highlight Off" menu item in the Options menu. To can get this feature

back similarly. If you are viewing a long topic, only the first 500

instances of a search word or phrase will be highlighted, due to a

limitation of the viewer.

General searching rules

A basic search consists of the word or phrase you want to find. You

can use wildcard expressions, nested expressions, boolean operators,

similar word matches, a previous results list, or topic titles to further

define your search.

The basic rules for formulating queries are as follows:

Searches are not case-sensitive, so you can type your search in uppercase or lowercase characters.

  • You may search for any combination of letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9).

    You cannot search for single letters (a, b, c, etc.) and common

    words, like: an, and, as, at, be, but, by, do, for, from, have, he,

    in, it, not, of, on, or, she, that, the, there, they, this, to, we,

    which, with, you.

  • Punctuation marks such as the period (.), colon (:), semicolon (;), comma (,),

    and hyphen (-) are ignored during a search.

  • Group the elements of your search using double quotes or parentheses to set apart each element. You cannot search for quotation marks.


    If you are searching for a file name with an extension, you should group

    the entire string in double quotes, ("filename.ext"). Otherwise, the period

    will break the file name into two separate terms. The default operation

    between terms is AND, so you will create the logical equivalent to

    "filename AND ext."

  • Пред.



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