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PHP. Руководство по PHP. 2005

Integrating the PHP Manual Пред.


Глава 82. Integrating the PHP Manual


The information provided here is mainly aimed at IDE authors, or

advanced users who would like to integrate this CHM file to their

favorite IDEs or other production environment components.

There are several editors out there with support for CHM integration,

but you may need to know a few things about what the CHM contains

to successfully integrate the manual into your environment.

The CHM is built using XSL style sheets from XML sources. This is

unique currently in the PHP Manual family, as all other versions are

generated using DSSSL style sheets. This also means, that

non-intentional rendering differences may come up. A special

conversion script is run on the XSLT output, adding several cute

features, and packing up the manual with the preferences files

and skin examples.

If you never worked with CHMs, you can think of them as compressed

files with OS supported access for files inside and some added search

and index support. However CHMs can only be viewed using the HTML Help

Viewer, you can directly access files inside them using a special URL

prefix, the CHM file name and the file you request from inside. As all

the help content is stored in HTML files, you can show pages of the CHM

in Internet Explorer.

Assume that you placed your php_manual_en.chm to

c:\phpmanual the index file in the manual (which

you see the first time) can be accessed with the following URL:


Here mk:@MSITStore: is the special "protocol",

C:\phpmanual\php_manual_en.chm is the CHM with it's

full path. The /_index.html part is the path to the

index file inside the CHM and :: is just what you need

to put between the CHM path and this file path.


All files are in the root directory of the CHM, unlike the previous

CHM versions which included a language directory. Images, style sheets

and other supplemental files have names starting with an underscore

(like the main index shown above), to avoid name collisions.

The names of generated files follow the same rules as the online

manual, except that the extension is .html and

not .php. The most important is that function

documentation files are named function.FUNCNAME.html

where FUNCNAME is the function name, with all

underscores converted to hyphens. Some examples are




Using all this information, you can show a manual page for a function

requested by a user. A simple example is included in the distribution,

named php_quickref.hta. This is a

HTML Application to demonstrate the

simple process of showing a manual page for a function. The

quickRef() function defined therein does the job.

If you would like to integrate the manual into an IDE without direct

support for the PHP manual (actually the underscore to hyphen conversion),

you can use the included _function.html file to access

a function page. This file is simply a redirector, and can be parameterized via

the URL, as _function.html#mysql_close. This page

will redirect you to the mysql_close function page

(function.mysql-close.html) automatically. You can

provide the full path of this file if your IDE supports context sensitive

help, and provide the IDE specified string as the parameter. An example

for this is the UltraEdit 9 intergation (see the edition's website).

The index of the manual (accessible via the index tab on the navigation

pane) can also be used for integrational purposes. All the HTML pages

are included in the index with their titles as index terms (including

function description pages).

If you are a desktop application developer and would like to tightly

integrate the CHM into your program (such as displaying the TOC tree

in your IDE's help box), you can find more information at

http://helpware.net/, as well as

links to other useful resources. The official site for HTML Help is

at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/htmlhelp/html/vsconhh1start.asp.




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